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Justin Chimienti
Consultant / Marketing Specialist
Justin Chimienti is a father of two adult girls, adventurer, avid photographer, and world traveler.
With a career spanning 26 years in the dynamic realm of advertising, Justin began his journey in the fast-paced world of radio sales. Over the years, he honed his skills and passion for connecting advertisers with audiences while navigating the diverse and vibrant market of the Bay Area.
In his final decade in the media industry, he embarked on an exhilarating chapter with Pandora / Sirius XM, where he continued to push boundaries and pioneer new approaches in digital advertising and was a driving force behind numerous successful campaigns.
Most recently, as the proud owner of a 1965 Airstream Globe Trotter, Justin developed a profound appreciation for the nomadic lifestyle and the sense of freedom it brings. Now, as a consultant for Carpe Aluminum, it is his mission to share this passion and help others discover the joys of Airstream ownership.